Thursday, April 29, 2010

Letter #3- Crash

I take it back. Anything I've ever said about everything.
I take it all back.
It has finally set in and I can't.
I just can't.
My world crashed down.
I can't do this.
How the fuck does anyone do this?
It chokes me, sucks the air right out.
I can't handle this.
I've got to do something, anything.
Something drastic.
I wanna smoke I wanna drink I wanna cut off all my hair.
I can't do this.
Where the hell have all my oxygen and courage gone?

Dear Daddy,
You can't go. Come back. Please, oh God please. Anything, I swear anything. Just come back. Be alive. Talk to me, hold me. I still need you. You're missing all my best years and all my minuscule moments. I can't do this without you. You were supposed to stay forever: my big strong daddy.
How can you just go like that?
Your daughter.

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